Thursday, 17 December 2015

22 December - Season of Advent

Vocations to the priesthood and religious life are becoming fewer these days, especially in certain countries. As people progress and prosper, they are faced with more and more attractions and temptations of the world, and the voice of God calling some to work in His vineyard seems to be harder and harder to listen. One other reason why vocations are dwindling could also be because families are shrinking in size, and parents are becoming more and more reluctant to let their son or daughter go. But is what sort of attitude is expected of us as Christians? Should we be clinging on to our children and not let them do what they are called to do?

In today's reading, we come across Hannah who chose to fulfil her vow and make over her son Samuel to the Lord. Hannah could have been selfish and choose to keep Samuel with her, since conceiving Samuel had been so difficult and had taken so long before it finally happened. But Hannah chose to be generous and let go of Samuel, so that he could do what he had been called to do.

What about us? Are we willing, like Hannah, to let our son or daughter go and do what he or she has been called by God to do? Our children are gifts from God, and it is a blessing to share such gifts. May we with joy, humility and generosity let our children go forth, so that we would have more workers in His vineyard, for His greater glory.

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