Friday, 27 May 2016

Monday of Week 24 Year 1

Many of us find it easy to pray for someone we care about or love. We pray for such persons, so that they would have happy lives, or they would remain strong and healthy, or for some other reason. But how many of us truly and genuinely pray for others, especially those we do not know, or we do not like, or those who have been hurtful towards us? Do we keep everyone in our prayers, or do we pick and choose?

In today's reading, we are told: "My advice is that, first of all, there should be prayers offered for everyone – petitions, intercessions and thanksgiving – and especially for kings and others in authority, so that we may be able to live religious and reverent lives in peace and quiet. To do this is right, and will please God our saviour: he wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth." When we pray for everyone, we are praying not for our own needs or wants, but for the good of all and for the glory of God. May we remember all around us in our prayers, with hope that there would be peace on earth.

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