Saturday, 7 May 2016

Friday of Week 18 Year 1

What does it mean to obey? In today's reading we are presented with what seems to be a simplistic understanding of the meaning of obedience. In a nutshell, the reading is telling us that to obey means to keep the laws and the commandments of God, and by doing so we will prosper, live long and be happy. The reading also cautions us that if we disobey God, then we lose everything and be ruined.

But Jesus in the Gospel gives us a deeper and different meaning of obedience. In the Gospel, Jesus tells that if we want to be His disciples, then we would have to renounce everything and take up our cross. What Jesus is trying to tell us is that when we let go, we gain, or if we were to put it in a different way: We should let go, and let God. Obedience to God is not about gaining world riches. Rather, obedience to God is the realisation that eternal riches is far more precious, far more valuable. So the question is: Why do we obey? What do we ultimately seek?

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