Sunday 17 January 2016

Monday of Week 13 Year 2

It is interesting to observe how people behave when times are good and when times are bad. When people are experiencing prosperity, wealth, success, popularity, riches and many other seemingly good things the world has to offer, how many of such people would still be rooted or grounded with God in their lives? But when disaster strikes, when the going gets tough, when there is trouble and suffering, how many of such people will remain faithful to God, and how many would give in to other forms of help, only to find out that they have gotten into an even bigger mess?

In today's reading, God had a covenantal relationship between Israel and Himself. If the Israelites chose to break the covenantal relationship with God, they do so at their own peril, since God was not obligated to guide them or protect them. Throughout the Old Testament, we have seen how disaster had struck when the Israelites chose to turn their backs on God, and despite trying to find their own way and their own solutions, the Israelites ended up getting into even more serious trouble. The reading even reminds us that flight will not save even the swift, the strong man will find his strength useless, the mighty man will be powerless to save himself. In other words, without God, we are nothing and we cannot save ourselves.

So what does this mean to us today? It means that we must learn to constantly grow in relationship with God. We cannot depend on what the world offers, because what the world offers is only temporary. We too are temporary, we are weak, if we try to block God out of our lives. May we come to a realisation of what is really important, what really matters, and take measures to prepare for our eternal future, before it is too late.

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