Monday 11 January 2016

Monday of Week 11 Year 2

Are we content with what we have or what we achieved? Or have we become accustomed to looking for more and more? When we want more and more, what happens? We begin to work hard to try and achieve or attain more and more. But what if what we want to achieve or attain is beyond our reach because it belongs to someone else and cannot be given away or sold? Some of us may just let it be, but some of us may resort to doing something unthinkable, even to the point of committing sin, to get what we want. Would you go to the extent of sinning to get what you want, come what may?

In today's reading, king Ahab wanted Naboth of Jezreel's vineyard. Naboth had no intention of giving away, or exchanging or selling his vineyard, since the vineyard was ancestral land. So what did Ahab do? He, with the help of his wife Jezebel, had Naboth killed, so that he could take possession of Naboth's vineyard. What do we see here? We see a classic example of several mortal sins being committed, such as: committing murder, coveting neighbour's goods, and bearing false witness. Is obtaining such land that important? To some of us, it may not be a big deal, but to Ahab, he had allowed his heart to become poisoned and enslaved with greed, envy, wrath, passion, pride, ego and many other vices.

What about us? Where do we stand? Could some of us already have become like Ahab? Do we value only what we can get or gain here on earth, at the expense of our eternal reward? Would we be in danger of gaining the whole world, but losing our soul?

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