Thursday 7 January 2016

Wednesday of Week 9 Year 2

God has called and chosen each and every one of us to be His witnesses and to proclaim the Gospel as best we can. Each of us are different, and how much or little we are able to do in proclaiming the Gospel is not important. What is important is we do our part, no matter how big or small that part may be. Some of us may be able to travel a lot to preach the Good News; some of us may not be able to do so due to some reason or another but can still offer prayers for others. But in all our efforts, our goal is to preach the Good News according to our ability and situation, with gusto and with power, love and self-control.

In today's reading, we are reminded: "That is why I am reminding you now to fan into a flame the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. God’s gift was not a spirit of timidity, but the Spirit of power, and love, and self-control. So you are never to be ashamed of witnessing to the Lord..." If we believe strongly in our faith, then why are some of us feeling small, timid or scared to preach the Good News? Sometimes we do not even have to say so many words, since even our attitude, behaviour and actions can be a form of preaching. May we take heed of what today's reading is telling us, and do our duty in preaching the Good News to all, so that all may know what it means to be a Christian.

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