Friday 8 January 2016

Wednesday of Week 10 Year 2

God can sometimes have a very interesting sense of humour. When people try to worship idols and other so called gods, He would sometimes show how silly and futile such an activty could be, and in doing so, those involved would learn who is really the true God, and those who witness would be more convinced to return to His path.

In today's reading, we come across a confrontation between Elijah and 450 prophets of Baal. Mathematically speaking, Elijah did not seem to stand a chance against so many prophets of Baal, but what these phophets failed to realise is that God was supporting Elijah. In the end, the prophets of Baal ended up losing to Elijah, because God showed them that only He is the true God.

What does this mean to us? It means that we should take caution and not end up worshipping false gods. We should be worshipping only God. Sometimes we may fall into the trap of worshipping false gods, when we begin to focus our attention only to wealth, power, and things, which could become like gods to us. May we focus more on our relationship with God, knowing that only He can grant us eternal joy.

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