Friday 8 January 2016

Tuesday of Week 10 Year 2

When we are having a problem or facing a crisis, what do we do? Perhaps we may pray and beseech God to help us through. But what if our prayers do not seem to be answered, even though we may have prayed fervently, then what do we do? Would we continue to pray, with patience and persistence, knowing and trusting that God would do what is best for us? Or would some of us begin to try looking for other means of help, only to find that those other means are really no help at all?

In today's reading, the woman from Zarephath was facing a crisis, since there was famine and she was at her wits end as to how to feed her son and herself, once the last bit of meal and oil is finished. To make matters worse, the woman was a widow, and widows in those days would have experienced much hardship, especially if they did not have much wealth or property left behind by their deceased spouse. Fortunately for this widow, her prayers were answered because she obeyed Elijah's instructions  "The woman went and did as Elijah told her and they ate the food, she, himself and her son. The jar of meal was not spent nor the jug of oil emptied, just as the Lord had foretold through Elijah." Because of her obedience and trust in God, the woman and her son were saved from imminent suffering and death.

What about us? Are we willing to have full trust and confidence in God, with patience and persistence? Sometimes, especially in today's world, we may be so used to getting things done quickly. But God's ways are not our ways, and if we are willing to wait and let Him do what is best for us, we may receive even more than what we hoped for.

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