Thursday, 31 October 2013

Thursday of Week 31 Year 1

For some of us, losing a few coins or something which seems small or insignificant may not be a big thing. This is especially when we have plenty to spare and we find that it is not worth worrying or fretting about such a lost. "Don't sweat the small stuff" is what some may say.

However, sometimes the small stuff could be just as important or serious as the big stuff. For instance, some of us may think that going to confession can wait, as we assume that the small sins we commit is not a big deal. But IT IS a big deal. Just as a small stain can slowly ruin your shirt, a small sin can also slowly corrupt your soul. Also, a small lump may seem insignificant, but if we are not careful and see a doctor for diagnosis and quick treatment if necessary, we may be in big trouble as that small lump may turn out to be malignant.

Today's Gospel shows us that, when it comes to saving us, God does sweat the small stuff. He wants each and every one of us to be with Him. Even if it is one sheep, or one drachma, or one whatever, each and every "small stuff" is important. Each and every one of us is important to God, and when we confess our sins and sweep clean our soul, "there is rejoicing among the angels of God over one repentant sinner." What an awesome and loving God we have!

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