Monday, 28 October 2013

Thursday of Week 30 Year 1

Some Catholics seem to be stuck in a rut. When they commit sin, they begin to think that they seem to have no hope and that no matter what they do, they will end up in a continuous cycle of sinning. So what do they do? They either try to sweep things under the carpet, hoping that no one will find out, or they may become extremely anxious and scrupulous, seeking the priest very often for confession. What these faithful seem to lack is confidence: confidence in themselves; confidence in others; and ultimately confidence in God.

Today's reading reminds us that "nothing therefore can come between us and the love of Christ, even if we are troubled or worried, or being persecuted, or lacking food or clothes, or being threatened or even attacked." This passage is a great confidence booster for those among us who may think that God has abandoned us. The reality is, He has not abandoned us. He is always there and He is encouraging us, nudging us to be closer to Him. The danger is, we may be abandoning ourselves, when we are unable to trust God and have confidence that He will save us.

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