Monday, 9 June 2014

Tuesday of Week 14 Year 2

There are so many things around us that need to be done: people to be helped, things to be resolved, family issues to be settled, so many things indeed. But quite often, we do not have enough personnel to attend to these matters. In some places, a priest or a religious has to attend to a huge crowd of faithful. In other places, the faithful are scattered over great distances. At times, it could be quite overwhelming trying to reach out to faithful who are so many or so far away.

This is why Jesus said in today's Gospel: "The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest." It is not enough to just pray for more "labourers", we also need to change our mindsets and attitudes. Some of us are quite readily and willing to encourage and pray for other people's children for a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. But there are still some of us who cling on to our own children and are reluctant to let them answer God's call. This is where we need to ask ourselves: are we only thinking of ourselves when it comes to our children? Or are we willing to be generous and let them do God's will?

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