Friday 24 July 2015

Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Advent

We sometimes forget who we are. We think that a particular property belongs to us, since we had paid for it. We think that the money we have in the bank belongs to us, since we may have worked hard to accumulate the money, or through other investment or other means. We think that our family members belong to us, since we had conceived, given birth and cared for them from young till now. But do we really own all these things, to be used and disposed as we see fit? Can we bring these things with us when we die?

In today's reading, we are reminded: "Apart from me, all is nothing. I am the Lord, unrivalled, I form the light and create the dark. I make good fortune and create calamity, it is I, the Lord, who do all this." Everything that we have is actually not ours, not our sole property. We are merely stewards, entrusted which such things and persons, since we will need to leave them behind some day. May we learn not to be possessive or proud of such things and persons, and learn to be detached from them, so that we can learn to be attached to God and let Him be our help, providence and guide.

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