Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Our Lady, Mother and Queen

When we look at a queen, what sort of impression do we get? Some of us think that a queen is a serene figure who gives moral and emotional support to the king. Some of us may have seen or experienced a queen who is the head of the country or the head of the government, and plays an active role in ensuring that the country remains peaceful and prosperous. But what sort of queen do we have in Mother Mary?

In Mother Mary, we have a queen who shows us what it means to be humble and willing to place our trust in God, no matter what happens. Though Mother Mary knew the risks and dangers she would face by agreeing to become the mother of God's Son, Jesus, she still said, 'I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said be done to me.' We also see later in the Gospel, where Mother Mary showed care and concern for her cousin Elizabeth, by going to be with her and help her in her pregnancy, even though Mother Mary was herself pregnant. Such a wonderful, loving, humble and caring queen we have, a queen of our hearts.

Today, let us follow our Mother Mary's example, by being humble and willing to do God's will. Let us also show our care and concern towards others, just as Mother Mary did, so that others would know that we are Christians by our love.

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