Sunday 26 July 2015

Dec 27 - Saint John, Apostle, Evangelist - Feast

Today we celebrate the feast of the Apostle John. He is accredited for writing the Gospel according to John. He was the only apostle who was not martyred. We also know that John was given the responsibility by Jesus to care for Mother Mary, when Jesus was about to die. He is known as the "beloved disciple" and in today's Gospel, we are told that he went in the tomb; he saw and he believed that Jesus had risen.

Throughout his life and writings, he had one simple message: "My dear children, love one another." God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son. John followed God's example in sharing love with others through his example and in his writings. What about us? In this world where love seems more and more superficial, are we following St. John's example in spreading true love to all?

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