It is certainly not an easy task to remain in the state of grace, since we face so many temptations each day. This does not mean we have an excuse to sin or give up, but we should make every effort to avoid sinning and if we do, we should make effort to go for confession, do penance and do our very best to not sin again. God gives us plenty of opportunities to change and grow in His love, guidance and friendship, and we need to do our part in maintaining a good relationship with Him.
This is why, in today's reading, we are reminded that we "must purify himself, must try to be as pure as Christ. Anyone who sins at all breaks the law, because to sin is to break the law." We should not hesitate to seek forgiveness and reconciliation through confession when we sin, since the Sacrament of Reconciliation enables us to purify ourselves from our sins. It is strange that there are people who seem to put off confession to only twice a year, especially during the Advent and Lent confession period. Surely we would not bathe only twice a year or, for those of us who are married, have intimacy with our spouse only twice a year. Surely most of us would keep clean as often as necessary and possible, and those of us who are married would do our best to keep the flame of love and intimacy alive. Thus, let us not procrastinate or make any more excuses, but keep our souls clean, so that we would one day be with our loving God.
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