What does it mean to be humble? Being humble is a Christian virtue, but some of us may have confused and misunderstood its true meaning. Some people think that humility means putting oneself down by being very critical of oneself, one's talents and one's achievements. They do not speak about their talents and gifts because they fear that this would appear to be boasting. Others criticise their own talents, abilities and achievements by saying: "I am not holy enough, don't choose me as a leader in this parish;" "my cooking is just so so, I don't think my dishes taste that great" (even though in reality, the dishes are yummylicious and shockalingam); "My voice is not that great, I don’t sing that well" (though in reality, the person sings like a lark). The problem and irony of such statements is: whenever we criticise and put ourselves down, we are actually hoping and expecting others to praise and admire us and our achievements. Such so called humility is not really humility, but is called false humility, which is a disguise for pride.
Instead, in today's Gospel, Jesus is telling us: "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted." The first reading reinforces what Jesus is telling us: "My son, be gentle in carrying out your business, and you will be better loved than a lavish giver. The greater you are, the more you should behave humbly, and then you will find favour with the Lord." Today's readings tell us that we should not seek any reward, praise, thanks or honour for what we do. We should not look for positions of honour or for recognition of our achievements, since once we have become addicted and attached to praise and human recognition, everything that we do may be with a hidden motive. When others do not praise or thank us, we become fed up, hurt and angry. Humility is serving and giving without asking or expecting anything in return; without needing to please others; and doing all things for the glory of God.
So what should we do? How should we understand humility? Humility is understanding and appreciating one's strengths and weaknesses. Every person has both strengths and weaknesses. If we learn to accept and live with our strengths and weaknesses, we would then be much happier persons. In the same way, we must also recognise and appreciate the weaknesses and strengths of others. We must always remember that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Also, humility means accepting all others as persons, as brothers and sisters. We should not pick and choose or stick only to certain groups. Instead, we should recognise everyone as precious, important, significant, valuable and deserving equal respect.
Today, let us follow the example of Jesus, who though was Son of God, humbled Himself and chose to become man, and even humbler still, chose to become a servant of all. As Christians, we should follow Jesus and embrace true humility, doing all things to build God's Kingdom and to give Him all the glory.
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