Friday, 19 February 2016

Wednesday of Week 26 Year 2

Things happen for a reason and sometimes we humans find it difficult to understand why such things happen in the first place. We begin to question ourselves, question others or even question God, asking or even demanding answers as to why such things have occurred. Some of us even begin to blame others or even blame God for what has taken place. But the point is, things really do happen for a reason, and even though the reason may not be revealed or may not be so clear or understandable, are we humble and willing to put our trust in God?

In today's reading, Job questioned: ""How can a man be in the right against God?" "Can anyone be so rash as to challenge Him for reasons?" Sometimes we may never know why certain things have occurred. Other times, we may get some understanding of why such things happen. But instead of looking for someone or something to blame; instead of looking for a scapegoat; perhaps we should learn from what has happened, and give thanks to God for His care and providence. Every cloud has a silver lining, and let us not lose sight of God, knowing that He will help us and transform us into something better.

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