Monday, 16 February 2015

Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter

When we have been with someone for quite some time, we begin to warm up to the person and become used to the person's ways, habits, peculiarities and other things which we have begun to accept and live with. But the day will come when the person would need to go away for whatever reason, and when that day comes, how would we respond? Would we be prepared and ready to let go and give thanks to God? Or would we end up in an emotional mess?

In today's Gospel, Jesus told his disciples: "Now I am going to the one who sent me. Not one of you has asked, “Where are you going?” Yet you are sad at heart because I have told you this. Still, I must tell you the truth: it is for your own good that I am going because unless I go, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you." It must have been difficult for the disciples to let go of Jesus and begin their mission in spreading the Good News. But Jesus promised them that they would not be left alone, they would not be abandoned, since the Advocate would come to them, be with them and strengthen them.

In the same way, we may one day no longer have the presence of those we love and are used to, but we do have memories, and we have God to comfort us and guide us as we move on in our lives. Let us not be disheartened or feel sad, for God will not leave us orphaned or abandon us. Are we willing to be patient and let Him transform us into something better?

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