In recent times, we have seen increased persecution among our Christian brethren in many different countries. Often the persecution stems from just being a Christian, and such persecutors are only interested in either forcing these Christians to convert to another faith, or to wipe them out from where they are. We have seen how, in some cases, the property and belongings of our Christian brethren have been seized and sold to further the cause of the persecutors. So it seems like the persecutors are committing such heinous acts not only in the so-called name of their religion, but also out of greed and jealousy. In the face of such vile acts, how do we Christians respond?
In today's gospel, Jesus assures us: "I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world." Jesus already knew that as Christians, we would have challenges, difficulties and trouble, since our ways are in contrast with the ways of the world. But Jesus is also assuring us of His peace and to be firm and steadfast in our faith in Him. Despite all the turmoil that we are facing around the world, let us not be disheartened or give up, since as Jesus tells us, He has conquered the world. Let us be patient and remain in Jesus, for He will save us and lead us to victory.
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