Friday 10 January 2014

Wednesday of Week 4 Year 2

One of the reasons why a priest or a religious is rarely sent back to his home parish to serve is because people tend to assume they know much about the priest or religious. Also, some people may think that just because the priest or religious is a local boy or girl, they think they can manipulate or control him or her. Some people may also not have that much respect or acceptance of the priest or religious, especially since they think they know really well his or her family, his or her background, etc. This may make it challenging or difficult for the priest or religious to function properly or effectively at his home parish.

Today's Gospel also reinforces this matter. Jesus was not accepted among his home-town people as they thought they knew his family and he really well. This made it difficult for Jesus to perform any miracle at his home-town and only managed to cure a few people, especially because of the people's lack of faith in him.

When we are faced with this kind of situation, let us consider our options. Are we able to function well in our mission at our home-town? Let us not be apprehensive to voice out our concerns to the relevant authority, so that they can decide what is best for our home-town community and what is best for us.

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