Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Monday of Week 8 Year 1

Some people seem to think that just because they have been committing the same sins over and over again, they begin to think that they have no hope or no possibility of changing. This leads to some even giving up, even to the point of despair. But the reality is: we are sinners, and we must continue to hope and trust in God to help us in overcoming our sins. Even though we may have sinned, we should pick ourselves up and continue our level best to stop sinning.

In today's reading, we are assured: "To those who repent, God permits return, and he encourages those who were losing hope. Return to the Lord and leave sin behind, plead before his face and lessen your offence. Come back to the Most High and turn away from iniquity, and hold in abhorrence all that is foul." God is not giving up on us, even though we may at times feel like giving up. When we sin, let us go to confession as soon as possible, to seek forgiveness for our sins, and do our very best to stop sinning. Of course, it is a struggle to remain without sin, since many temptations surround us. But we know that Jesus has won the victory for us, and we should place our trust and confidence in Him, knowing that He will help us and guide us in our struggle.

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