Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Wednesday of Week 3 Year 1

Some of us often like to think of ourselves as good Christians. Some think that we are good because we have been regular in coming for Mass and other church activities. Others think that we are good because we have been generous with our contributions. But if we consider for a moment, how many of us truly have the Word of God embedded in our hearts and minds? Do we listen to God's Word and then transform it into action? Or do we just hear God's Word and then carry on doing things in our own merry way? Some of us may think that so long as we are not doing something bad or hurting others, we should be okay. But is that really the case?

In today's Gospel, we read about the parable of the sower. If we ponder a while, we may begin to realise what sort of Christian we have become. We may appear to be good Christians, but God's Word may have gotten lost in our lives, or as some may say, "gotten lost in translation." How many of us could truly and sincerely say that we come under the category of "those who have received the seed in rich soil: they hear the word and accept it and yield a harvest, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold." Let us not despair or give up should we discover that we have not really measured up to arrive in this category. Instead, let us be more diligent and double our efforts, so that God's Word could truly live in us and transform us into the best He wants us to be.

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