Saturday 19 March 2016

Friday of Week 5 Year 1

Have you heard of a being named S. A. Tan? Perhaps you may have seen horror stories at the movies, or read books about him, but few of us have seen him face to face. Some of us may have experienced his presence, and many of us could have experienced him luring us and tempting us to sin. Indeed, S. A. Tan is not a pleasant being to be with, even though he may appear to be deceptively so, since he has hidden and cruel intentions, and we would need to constantly and consistently watch out for the traps he has laid out to ensnare us.

In today's reading, we read about one of the many ways S. A. Tan uses to try and ensnare us and tempt us to sin. S. A. Tan, in the form of a serpent, tempted the woman to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. He even had the sneakiness and gall to assure the woman: "No! You will not die! God knows in fact that on the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil." With such lies and deceitful words, both the man and woman were equally guilty in falling into Mr. S. A. Tan's trap by eating the fruit.

What about us? Are we so easily allowing ourselves to be lured into S. A. Tan's trap? S. A. Tan will constantly try to exploit our ego, our pride and our weaknesses to tempt us into sinning. Are we making efforts to resist and are we seeking God's help fervently and humbly? We must remember that our foe is not just some ordinary being, and we need to remain in good relationship with God and continuously seek His help, guidance and protection, if we are to overcome such and ancient and deadly foe. Let us not be caught off-guard, and remain in the Lord, so that we would not fall into S. A. Tan's deadly clutches.

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