Tuesday 15 March 2016

Friday of Week 3 Year 1

When the political situation in your country is not good, what do you do? Do you stand up for what is right, or would you make a run for it and look for so-called greener pastures elsewhere? When you see injustice or racism occuring, what do you do? Do you look the other way, mind your own business and not get involved? Or do you do what is just and right, even if it means risking your life? It seems easy to avoid getting involved, look the other way, mind our own business, or even run away, but are such attitudes and actions proper to a Christian?

In today's reading, we are reminded: "Be as confident now, then, since the reward is so great. You will need endurance to do God’s will and gain what he has promised... You and I are not the sort of people who draw back, and are lost by it; we are the sort who keep faithful until our souls are saved." When we are faced with injustice, racism, misdeeds and other despicable acts, may we take courage, do what is right and just, and let God be our guide, knowing that He would help us in His time, for His greater glory.

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