Saturday, 9 May 2015

Monday of Week 34 Year 1

When you come to church to attend Mass, how many of you would offer all the money you have on you for the church? Quite likely, many of you would put a few dollars or a few Malaysian ringgit into the offering bag, while some of you may offer what you can spare. Some may put in more if they are rich and can afford it, but how many of us would be willing to put everything that we have by emptying our pockets of cash? Some of you may say that it would be crazy to offer everything we have to God, since we would need money for food and other things after the Mass.

But if we consider a moment, today's Gospel tells us of a poverty-stricken widow who put in all she had to live on, as Jesus tells us: "I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than any of them; for these have all contributed money they had over, but she from the little she had has put in all she had to live on." When we put money in the offering, it is not the amount that counts, it is how generous we are willing to be. Remember that all that we have comes from God, and God has been generous to us in many ways. Are we not willing to be just as generous in our contributions and in offering our talents for the church?

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