Sunday, 31 May 2015
Housekeeping - 1st Week of Lent
14 Feb 2016 - 1st Sunday of Lent Year C
15 Feb 2016 - Monday of the 1st Week of Lent
16 Feb 2016 - Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent
17 Feb 2016 - Wednesday of the 1st Week of Lent
18 Feb 2016 - Thursday of the 1st Week of Lent
19 Feb 2016 - Friday of the 1st Week of Lent
1st Sunday of Lent Year C
In today's Gospel, we see the contrast between the ways of the world and the ways of God. Jesus was tempted by the devil to succumb to possessions, power and popularity, all of which are worldly matters. The devil tried to tempt Jesus to change the stones into bread, which is the temptation to place ones trust in riches, possessions and objects, as if such things are all that matters in our lives. The devil tried to tempt Jesus with power, by giving the impression and illusion that if we are in control of our lives, control of organisations, or control of other people; basically if we are in control generally, then we would be somebody important. The devil also tried to tempt Jesus with popularity, by doing things or performing feats which would attract the crowd and make one seem famous. But as we would later note, Jesus did perform miracles but never to show off or to make himself popular.
Such temptations are certainly challenging to overcome, but Jesus rejected all these temptations because none of them could take away the fact that He is the Son of God. Jesus is showing us that God loves us no matter who or what we are. We do not need to prove our importance by acquiring riches, power and popularity. Being God's sons and daughters is all that we would ever want and need. In the first reading, Moses reminded the Israelites of their history and their identity. They were 'nobodies' or 'slaves.' But God gave them an identity by saving them, giving them a land which they could call home and made them His people. Without God they had no identity, no freedom, no riches, no importance. Only with God did they and us too become sombodies. Only with God would we find happiness and contentment.
Thus, if we are still caught up with the ways of the world, let us pray that we would learn to let go and let God be in control. Let us pray for God's grace to resist all forms of temptations, knowing that they can never grant us eternal happiness. What matters is we find happiness and everlasting life in our loving God.
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Housekeeping - Week 5 Year 2
7 Feb 2016 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
8 Feb 2016 - Monday of Week 5 Year 2
9 Feb 2016 - Tuesday of Week 5 Year 2
10 Feb 2016 - Ash Wednesday
11 Feb 2016 - Thursday after Ash Wednesday
12 Feb 2016 - Friday after Ash Wednesday
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
In life, we often come across different situations where
some level of risk is involved. For example, when we buy shares or unit trusts,
we are taking a risk with our money, since the shares or unit trusts could
increase in value or decrease in value substantially or even go bust totally.
When we get into a relationship, we are also taking some risk, since we would
not be able to tell whether such a relationship will lead to a life-long one or
would eventually lead to a break-up. When we have a child especially at an
older age, we face the risk of having a child affected with autism or a mongoloid
child or even a child afflicted with some serious illness. It does not matter
how big or small the risk may be, but most of us would need to face some form
of risk in one way or another. The problem is, we do come across some people
who are afraid of taking risks. It seems much easier doing things that are
familiar than it is to do something which is new. Why are some people so afraid
to take risks? Because what some of us actually fear is failure. We fear that
we will not be able to finish what we have started; or we will not get the
results we desired; or that others will laugh at us for our stupidity or
incapabilities; or that if we fail in this task, we would also fail for the
rest of our lives.
In today's Gospel, Jesus is inviting all of us to take courage and take risks.
In the Gospel, Jesus told Peter to "put out into deep water and pay out
your nets for a catch." Peter would have found such an instruction
difficult to follow, since he had already failed to catch any fish after trying
so hard. After we have failed, some of us may often be hesitant to try again
and become discouraged. We try to avoid making the same mistakes and try to do
something else which we believe would lead to a better chance of success.
However, Peter chose to take the risk again, and as a result, he succeeded in catching
so many fish that two boats were filled to sinking point. What does this mean
to us? It means that being a Christian means being willing to take risks. When
people are invited or asked to become a catechist, a BEC coordinator or a
leader in some ministry, many often decline, giving all sorts of excuses or
reasons. Some say that they have no time; or they feel that they have enough
responsibilities (even though in reality, they are not doing anything for the
church); or that they do not have the necessary abilities. But the real reason
is the fear of failure and being unwilling to take risks. If we are going to
avoid taking risks, are we making ourselves armchair or even nominal Christians,
only knowing how to comment or criticise but afraid and refusing to do our
part? Is this what Christianity is really all about to some of us?
Today, each and every one of us are called to discipleship. It is not enough to
just be a Sunday Christian and not get involved. It is not enough just to come
to Church or to pray. It is not enough to just complain and assume that nothing
can be done. All of us are called to be disciples, not just a select few.
Contrary to what some of us may think, a disciple is not one who doesn't make
mistakes, since he or she does make mistakes from time to time; he or she is
not someone who will always succeed in everything that he or she does, since a
true disciple experiences failures just like everyone else; he or she is not
perfect, but far from perfect, since he or she has many weaknesses and
struggles just like everyone else. Instead, a disciple is one who is prepared
and able to take risks because he has developed a deep relationship with Jesus.
He or she trusts Jesus enough to be able to place his or her own fate in the
hands of the Lord. A disciple may be weak or seem not so skilful or qualified
but believes and has confidence that all is possible with the grace and help of
God. A disciple constantly turns to God for forgiveness and mercy and
recognises his or her own sinfulness. In other words, a disciple is willing to
give his or her all, come what may, because he or she trusts and depends on God
for His help and providence. Today, Jesus is calling us and telling us:
"Do not be afraid, from now on it is men you will catch." Are we
willing to take the risk and follow Him?
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Housekeeping - Week 4 Year 2
31 Jan 2016 - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
1 Feb 2016 - Monday of Week 4 Year 2
2 Feb 2016 - Presentation of the Lord
3 Feb 2016 - Wednesday of Week 4 Year 2
4 Feb 2016 - Thursday of Week 4 Year 2
5 Feb 2016 - Friday of Week 4 Year 2
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Being a prophet is not easy and is certainly not a joke or a laughing matter. Sometimes, the prophet is asked to give a message of hope and encouragement to God's people. Other times, the prophet is given the task to challenge and condemn the people for their sinfulness, by being the conscience of the nation. This causes the prophet to face opposition and rejection, since everyone likes to hear praises and words of encouragement and no one likes to hear criticism. But such criticism is necessary for us to grow. If we are not open to criticism and are not honest with ourselves, we would then be blind to where God wants to lead us.
When we look at today's Gospel, we are reminded that Jesus speaks of the many prophets in Israel's history who were rejected by their own people and sometimes welcomed by others. Jesus too is such a prophet, and since He chose to reprimand his listeners in today's Gospel, Jesus too is rejected. The Word of God is a double-edged sword which cuts both ways. We must be prepared to hear words of encouragement as well as words that would challenge our present way of life. But are we willing and humble enough to do so?
Fulfilling a prophetic role is certainly difficult, since no one wants to be the bad guy. It seems much easier to talk about people behind their backs then to confront them. As a prophetic people, we are called to confront and challenge each other. Confrontation does not mean that we have no love. Instead, love is the reason why we must confront and act the prophet. In the second reading, we are reminded that love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous, never boastful or conceited, or rude or selfish. A prophet is not someone who is harsh, mean, wicked and heartless, but so full of love for God and His people that he is prepared to risk being rejected by his own people and face the consequences of speaking the truth. May we willingly, patiently and humbly accept the challenge to become prophets, with love as our motivation, since without love, we cannot be true prophets, but we may only end up as complainers and critics. Let us pray for the strength and courage to speak the truth with love.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Housekeeping - Week 3 Year 2
24 Jan 2016 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
25 Jan 2016 - Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle - Feast
26 Jan 2016 - SS. Timothy & Titus, Bishops - Memorial
27 Jan 2016 - Wednesday of Week 3 Year 2
28 Jan 2016 - Thursday of Week 3 Year 2
29 Jan 2016 - Friday of Week 3 Year 2
SS. Timothy & Titus, Bishops - Memorial
The question we need to ask ourselves is this: Have we become complacent or comfortable with our lives, that proclaiming the Good News has become less and less important? Have we become more and more attracted to the ways of the world, and forgotten or ignored or feel ashamed of witnessing to the Lord? May we with renewed zeal and vigour fan into a flame the gift that God has given us, and fearlessly and enthusiastically share His Good News with all around us, remembering that ultimately, our lives are meant to give glory to God.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle - Feast
But sometimes, God can do something beyond our expectations. In the case of Saul, whose conversion we celebrate today, he was transformed from a fierce persecutor of Christians, to a fierce defender of the Christian faith. Saul became known as Paul, and he suffered much to bring the Christian faith to the gentiles, the very Christian faith he had once so enthusiastically persecuted.
If God can change a person from a monster to a saint, just imagine what He can do to us. We have seen the wonders He has done time and again, transforming people who many thought to be beyond hope, to something better for His glory. May we have faith and trust in our loving God, knowing that He will take care of things for us, for His glory.
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
When we go for Mass, we are not only going for nourishment from the Eucharist during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we are also receiving nourishment from God's Word during the Liturgy of the Word. The question is: Do you really pay attention to the readings or are you just waiting to receive Holy Communion? If we have not paid attention to the readings during the Liturgy of the Word or taken the trouble to read and study the bible, we may have left out an important aspect of the Mass, that is the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word is no less important than the Liturgy of the Eucharist, as both are equally important. Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament as well as in the word proclaimed during the first half of the Mass.
In today's Gospel, we are reminded that Jesus is the Word of God who has come "to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour." If we have not paid attention to the readings every Sunday, we may have lost out on these promises. If we are not making effort to hear God's word, we may be hearing only 'bad news' which society and our experiences choke us each day. The Good News is that in spite of all the evil that we see, hear and experience around us, God's salvation is far greater; and that Jesus, the Word of God, has conquered evil and death. Those who fail to listen to God's word continue to be imprisoned by fear and uncertainty; but Jesus promised us that He has come to proclaim liberty to the captives, and He can free us if we listen to Him. Those who fail to listen to God’s word will continue to be blind to our own mistakes and our sinfulness; but Jesus has come to set us free and give us back our sight if we cling on to His words. We are free and are able to see, if we listen to God's word and act upon it.
So what does this mean to us? It means that we should make more effort to pay attention to the Word of God. The Word of God must have a central and prominent place within the community and also be the basis of our lives. It is not enough to merely recite prayers and attend Mass. We must read and study the bible, and listen attentively to the Word of God at Mass, so that the Word of God can become our daily guide and find fulfillment in our lives. May we find spiritual nourishment from Jesus through His Word and through the Eucharist, and share His Good News to all around us.
Monday, 25 May 2015
Housekeeping - Week 2 Year 2
17 Jan 2016 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
18 Jan 2016 - Monday of Week 2 Year 2
19 Jan 2016 - Tuesday of Week 2 Year 2
20 Jan 2016 - Wednesday of Week 2 Year 2
21 Jan 2016 - Thursday of Week 2 Year 2
22 Jan 2016 - Friday of Week 2 Year 2
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
God has given each and every one of us talents and abilities to help the church and the Christian community grow and mature. The issue is, we sometimes fail God and the community, especially when we do not acknowledge our gifts and the gifts of others in the community. A community can only flourish if its members are able to recognise their own gifts and affirm the gifts of others. A community is in danger of disintegrating when its members are only always expecting something from others and are not prepared to give or share; when its members are constantly criticising and finding fault with one another; when the gifts of its members are suppressed rather than identified and nurtured; and figuratively speaking, when the wine runs out.
In today's gospel, we are reminded of the story of the wedding at Cana. This joyous occasion nearly ended in disaster because they ran out of wine. Sometimes in our churches, we see the same people serving in church year in year out without any successor, any change or new blood. We begin to think that the wine is also running out as there seems to be no new leaders and no new members. In the old testament, the Israelites also thought that the destruction of their country meant the end of everything. But such thinking is wrong, since Isaiah in the first reading gives a message of hope. All is not lost because God will redeem them. This led the Israelites to realise that glory and blessings came from God alone. Only God can ensure that the wine will never run out.
So what do we need to do? We should realise that our Christian community still has plenty of chances to grow and become stronger. We must recognise that we need a conversion of heart. We need to put God back into the center of our lives. If we have become complacent and satisfied with what we have, its time to wake up. It’s not enough to maintain the things that we have or remain as status quo. The community and the church must grow, and we must encourage and nurture new leaders and new members to eventually take over; otherwise, our community will eventually die. Let us pray that our community will be renewed by the Holy Spirit and that we will recognise our gifts and the gifts of others, and how we can use these gifts to serve the church and for the glory of God.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Housekeeping - Baptism of the Lord & Week 1 Year 2
10 Jan 2016 - Baptism of the Lord
11 Jan 2016 - Monday of Week 1 Year 2
12 Jan 2016 - Tuesday of Week 1 Year 2
13 Jan 2016 - Wednesday of Week 1 Year 2
14 Jan 2016 - Thursday of Week 1 Year 2
15 Jan 2016 - Friday of Week 1 Year 2
Housekeeping - Epiphany
3 Jan 2016 - Epiphany
4 Jan 2016 - Monday after Epiphany
5 Jan 2016 - Tuesday after Epiphany
6 Jan 2016 - Wednesday after Epiphany
7 Jan 2016 - Thursday after Epiphany
8 Jan 2016 - Friday after Epiphany
Saturday, 23 May 2015
We know that the Jews were supposed to be God's chosen people. They were supposed to have been aware of the events that took place in the scriptures and the various prophecies foretold. However, it was the gentiles, the Magi, who recognised a great event instead. The Jews were ignorant and failed to recognise such a great event, possibly because they were so used to thinking about their religion in fixed ways. In their mind, God is found on sacred mountains, in the Temple and in holy places. The Messiah being such a great figure in the prophecies must be born into wealth and power. They were not prepared to accept the fact that God may choose to be born in a stable. Sometimes we too may be so fixed in our ways of thinking and are not open to new ideas. Whenever someone has an idea or suggestion, we shoot it down with our pessimism. Because of this attitude, we stifle growth and change and also put obstacles in the way God is trying to reveal His will to us.
Today's Gospel challenges us to recognise the stars, especially the star that led the wise men or Magi to Jesus. Our God is a God of surprises and we must be open to Him choosing the way in which He wishes to reveal Himself. Whenever we follow the star, a sign from God, a new idea or a new direction, we may not know where it will lead us. Instead, we are asked to walk by faith, knowing and trusting that God will be there to help and guide us along the way. There may be times that we feel like giving up or we may encounter other distractions. But if we get lost, there is always the star to remind us of our direction and destination. The star isn’t our destination but points to us the way to Jesus, the Light of the World, who has come to show us the way to the Father. May we humbly and joyfully follow Jesus, our star, and remain in His care and love.
Housekeeping - Holy Family & Christmas Octave
27 Dec 2015 - Holy Family
28 Dec 2015 - The Holy Innocents, Martyrs - Feast
29 Dec 2015 - 5th day within the octave of Christmas
30 Dec 2015 - 6th day within the octave of Christmas
31 Dec 2015 - 7th day within the octave of Christmas
1 Jan 2016 - Mary, Mother of God - Solemnity
Friday, 22 May 2015
5th day within the octave of Christmas
In today's Gospel, we come across another example of learning the meaning of patience and perseverance in waiting. Simeon was an upright and devout man; he looked forward to Israel’s comforting and the Holy Spirit rested on him. Even though Simeon was already quite old, he would not see death and had to wait until he had set eyes on the Christ of the Lord. Instead of getting all worked up and impatient, Simeon waited with confidence and humility, and when he finally had the chance to see Jesus, he took Him into his arms and blessed God; and he said: "Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace, just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light to enlighten the pagans and the glory of your people Israel."
Are we willing to be patient and wait just like Simeon did? Sometimes the waiting could result in a better outcome or experience. It is a question of how much we trust in God and how humble and willing we are to let Him be our help and guide.
Dec 28 - The Holy Innocents, Martyrs - Feast
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents. The Holy Innocents were martyred or killed because King Herod was a paranoid and insanely jealous man. He was constantly worried and paranoid that he would lose his throne, since the Romans had given him the throne as a gift, and the Romans could just as easily take it away and give it to someone else. This led King Herod to irrationally see Jesus as a threat to his sovereignty and power, and Jesus had to be exterminated to protect his interests. Since he did not know what Jesus look like and where Jesus was, he decided to kill any babies around, with the hope that one of them would turn out to be Jesus.
Some of us too can sometimes be paranoid or jealous about something. As a result, great sins could be committed to protect what we think is rightfully ours. Have we forgotten that our ultimate purpose is to glorify God in all we do? Why are some of us so easily paranoid and jealous? May we come to realise that our paranoia and jealousy stems from our ego and pride, and learn to walk humbly in God's presence.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Housekeeping - 4th Week of Advent & Christmas
20 Dec 2015 - 4th Sunday of Advent Year C
21 Dec 2015 - 21 December - Season of Advent
22 Dec 2015 - 22 December - Season of Advent
23 Dec 2015 - 23 December - Season of Advent
24 Dec 2015 - Christmas Eve - Midnight Mass
25 Dec 2015 - Christmas Day - Mass During the Day
Christmas Day - Mass During the Day
Today, we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Today’s Gospel tells us about the Word being the "true light." Since Jesus is the Word, He is therefore that true light of hope, knowledge, justice and peace that enlightens all men. He is the light and the Word that has come into the world and has overcome the darkness of our selfishness, ego, pride, violence, hatred, anger and sin that is in the world.
Let us therefore give thanks to God for the Word has become flesh, God has become man, so that we have life in Him. Let us not keep this Good News of this Word to ourselves, but go forth and proclaim it and share it with others, since as the Gospel tells us: "The Word was made flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth." May we joyfully and enthusiastically His witnesses and give Him the glory.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Christmas Eve - Midnight Mass
In the midst of all our busy-ness and the hustle and bustle going on around us, we may have forgotten the main reason why we are celebrating Christmas. We may have not noticed the poor, the marginalised, the sick, those facing persecution, and many others that society seems to avoid. If Jesus were to be born today, He would not be found in a palace, or some big hospital, or among the glitter and decorations at the shopping malls, or some other fancy place. Nobody would notice Jesus in such places anyhow, since there are so many other distractions and attractions around, and the rich and the powerful are too busy with their own affairs to actually take notice of an event such as this. It is the poor who take notice and recognise Jesus' coming because their daily lives depend on God’s providence. Have we learnt to be like the poor and noticed the nativity of Jesus, or have we become more and more like everyone else, concerned with ourselves and our loved ones?
Today, the angels proclaimed a beautiful message to all of us: "Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord … Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy his favour." If our lives are so cluttered up by riches, ambition, greed, pride, or power, it is quite possible that we will be deaf to the song of the angels. But if today you also come to recognise that you are poor, that you are also broken, that you are weak, and that you need God, then you may not only listen to the message of the angels, but you would also be overjoyed and excited to share this wonderful message with others. May we refocus our lives towards Jesus, and bring the joy of Christmas to all around us.
22 December - Season of Advent
But today's Gospel gives a quite a different picture of giving credit and recognition. In the Gospel, Mary said: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my saviour; because he has looked upon his lowly handmaid." Here, Mary was giving credit entirely to God. She recognised that she was nothing without God's providence and help, and she gave glory to God instead of trying to take credit for saying "yes" to God. What about us? Could we ever be like Mary, giving all glory and honour to God?
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
21 December - Season of Advent
In today's Gospel, the child in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, as soon as Elizabeth heard Mother Mary's greeting. Even in the womb, this child whom we would later be introduced as John the Baptist, was already aware of Jesus' presence, long before any of them was born. If such unborn could recognise God's presence, what about us? Do we leap for joy when we are in the presence of God? Or have we taken for granted His presence? May we rediscover and recognise the significance and sacredness of God's presence in our lives, and continue to leap for joy for the Lord is here to help and guide us.
4th Sunday of Advent Year C
But let us ask ourselves sincerely: Do we really understand what peace means? Peace is not merely an absence of violence and conflict. Peace is possible even in the midst of conflict, since peace is not only what we experience externally but something that must take root in our hearts. If there is no peace in our hearts, we can never experience peace outside of ourselves. We experience conflict in our hearts, simply because we constantly want to have things according to our ways, in other words, we want to be in control. The problem with wanting things according to our ways is that sometimes we are never in control of the situation. When we don’t get things our way, we become unhappy and won’t have peace in our hearts. The only way in which we can find peace is to allow God to take control of our lives. In the second reading, we are reminded of Christ, who came to obey the will of God the Father. When we come to realise that God's ways are not our ways, and we are willing to surrender our lives to God, then we will have peace in our hearts.
So how do we start having or initiating peace? One way could be found in today's Gospel: by offering and accepting hospitality. When we offer hospitality to one another just like Mary and Elizabeth offered hospitality and friendship to one another, peace takes place. It is when we refuse to offer hospitality to another person or when we refuse the hospitality given by another person that causes the lack of peace. We don’t need to accomplish great things or wait for great events that cause peace to take place. Peace can be a possibility today, when we are willing give or receive a simple word of encouragement, a kind act, a loving offer of help. Peace begins when each and every one of us believe we can make a difference, beginning with ourselves, and we are humble and willing to let the Lord be our help and guide, since as the first reading reminds us: "He himself will be peace."
Some of us may feel overwhelmed, thinking that we are only one person. What can one person do, some may ask. What is important to note here is that we should not worry or fret. We can make a difference, especially when we allow God to take control of our lives, when we are willing to surrender our lives to Him. When we do this, we will find peace, peace even in the midst of problems and difficulties. As we prepare to welcome Jesus, our Prince of Peace, this coming Christmas, may we continue to depend on God's care and providence, and experience true peace only He can give.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Housekeeping - 3rd Week of Advent
13 Dec 2015 - 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
14 Dec 2015 - Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent
15 Dec 2015 - Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Advent
16 Dec 2015 - Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Advent
17 Dec 2015 - 17 December - Season of Advent
18 Dec 2015 - 18 December - Season of Advent
Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Advent
Jesus reassured John that He is the messiah by giving this response to John the Baptist: "Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind see again, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the Good News is proclaimed to the poor and happy is the man who does not lose faith in me." Jesus is not the kind of messiah which some may have expected, certainly not a political messiah which some may have hoped would rescue Israel from Roman oppresion, but Jesus is the kind of messiah which brings salvation and forgiveness of sins to the world. In a way, Jesus was helping John to understand that John had prepared the way for spiritual salvation to all, and not wonder, lose faith or doubt any longer, but trust and believe in Him.
What about us? Have we had doubts or wondered whether Jesus is really going to save us from our sins? When we face difficulties, persecution or problems, some of us may have been tempted to ask, 'Are you the one who is to come, or must we wait for someone else?' Let us set aside any doubts in our minds, and put our trust and confidence in Jesus, knowing that He is truly our messiah and He will be our help and guide.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Advent
However, there are still some among us who seem to think that we have plenty of time to change, or that we have become so preoccupied with earthly things, that we have neglected our spiritual life and our soul. This is where prophet Zephaniah in today's reading warns us: "Trouble is coming to the rebellious, the defiled, the tyrannical city! She would never listen to the call, would never learn the lesson; she has never trusted in the Lord, never drawn near to her God." Let us not be caught unprepared or under the illusion that all would be well, since trouble will come to us if we are not ready to meet the Lord. Are we risking our eternal future through our neglect or "tidak apa" or "don't care" attitude?
3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
But sometimes, some of us find it difficult to be generous or to share. We are reluctant to share, possibly because we are worried that there may be not enough for us. This is where St. Paul once again reminds us "that there is no need for worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving, and that peace of God, which is so much greater than we can understand, will guard your hearts and your thoughts, in Christ Jesus." This means that God will take care of us and be our providence, and we will always have enough, since God can fulfil our every heart's desire, fill the emptiness in our hearts, and satisfy our deepest longings. Only God can be our source of eternal joy.
Let us therefore allow God to fill our lives with His love, joy and peace. In the first reading, the prophet Zephaniah reminds us that our God is "a victorious warrior. He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you by his love; he will dance with shouts of joy for you as on a day of festival." When we let God be the center of our lives, nothing can take away the joy of being his son and daughter. Let us also bring this joy to all that we meet, so that all may know true joy and give praise to God.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Housekeeping - 2nd Week of Advent
6 Dec 2015 - 2nd Sunday of Advent Year C
7 Dec 2015 - Monday of the 2nd Week of Advent
8 Dec 2015 - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Solemnity
9 Dec 2015 - Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Advent
10 Dec 2015 - Thursday of the 2nd Week of Advent
11 Dec 2015 - Friday of the 2nd Week of Advent
Monday of the 2nd Week of Advent
In today's Gospel, the paralysed man was fortunate to have friends who had great faith in Jesus. They had so much faith in Jesus that they were even willing to take the trouble and: "went up on to the flat roof and lowered him and his stretcher down through the tiles into the middle of the gathering, in front of Jesus." This is because "the crowd made it impossible to find a way of getting him in." Because of the great faith of such friends, the paralysed man was cured.
If people could have such great faith in Jesus and go through so much trouble to help the paralysed man be cured, what about us? Are we willing to put aside our fears, our doubts, and our insecurities and let Jesus be our help and guide? Do we not trust in God's providence? Let us be persistent and consistent in trusting God, since He can help us according to His terms and for His glory.
Friday, 15 May 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent Year C
Christian joy is a choice, a decision based on faith and hope, knowing that God will not abandon us, no matter what happens. God did not promise us an easy life, but that He will be with us at all times, and God is faithful to what He has promised. In today's Gospel, we read the fulfillment of one such promise, where "All mankind shall see the salvation of God." Jesus is the salvation of God, promised from of old and He is the source of our joy and our hope. If we believe that Jesus is our salvation, then we should remain joyful, and not live lives as if we are defeated or victims of tragedy. Though we may have undergone failure, experienced pain, disappointment, challenges and encountered all sorts of other difficulties or problems, our joy lies in knowing that God has won the victory for us. We may not see the signs of God’s victory at the moment, but it is there. This is God's promise and He is always faithful.
So we cannot just sit down and sulk or do nothing. We must do our part. We must prepare a way for the Lord, by having a conversion in our lives. St. Paul in the second reading prays that "your love for each other may increase more and more and never stop improving your knowledge and deepening your perception so that you can always recognise what is best. This will help you to become pure and blameless, and prepare you for the Day of Christ, when you will reach the perfect goodness which Jesus Christ produces in us for the glory and praise of God." This too should be our prayer. May we grow and become ever more joyful in the Lord, and share this joy with all we meet.
Housekeeping - 1st Week of Advent
29 Nov 2015 - 1st Sunday of Advent Year C
30 Nov 2015 - Saint Andrew, Apostle - Feast
1 Dec 2015 - Tuesday of the 1st Week of Advent
2 Dec 2015 - Wednesday of the 1st Week of Advent
3 Dec 2015 - Saint Francis Xavier, Priest - Patron of Missions - Feast
4 Dec 2015 - Friday of the 1st Week of Advent
Monday, 11 May 2015
Saint Francis Xavier, Priest - Patron of Missions - Feast
This is why, in today's Gospel, Jesus commands us: "Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation." As Christians, we are commissioned to preach the Good News to all around us, as best we can. We cannot just sit back and relax, expecting others to do it, since each and every Christian has a duty to preach the Good News. Have we been making effort and doing our part in sharing and promoting our Christian faith, just as Jesus has commanded us to do?
Wednesday of the 1st Week of Advent
In today's Gospel, Jesus not only cured the lame, blind, crippled, dumb and many others, He also fed them. Jesus shows us what it means to go that extra mile for another person, instead of just dealing with the person's immediate needs and be done with it. May we be willing to learn from our loving Lord, and be loving and caring to others, just as He is loving and caring to all of us.
Wednesday of the 1st Week of Advent
In today's Gospel, we see a contrast between Jesus and His disciples. The disciples seemed to be more concerned about their needs, but Jesus was more concerned about the crowd, not only by teaching and healing them, but also in seeing to their welfare by giving them something to eat. Logistically speaking, the disciples seemed to be in a nightmarish situation, since realistically, it seemed impossible to feed so many. But what the disciples failed to realise is that Jesus is not just any ordinary preacher, and He showed them the true meaning of love and compassion by taking that extra step in giving the crowd something to eat.
What about us? Would we be willing to take that extra step and feed the multitude, not only spiritual food, but also physical food? Or have we become so concerned only about the costs and about ourselves? May we do our best to be like Jesus in the way He loved and served the crowd, so that others would know we are Christians by our love.