Thursday, 2 April 2015

Friday of Week 16 Year 1

As children, we would have learnt about the ten commandments at some point of our lives at Religious Education or catechism classes. Our teachers may have come up with creative ways for us to try and remember the ten commandments by heart, and many of us would have been able to recite the ten commandments with ease after a while. But did we understand what we were reciting? Perhaps to some degree, but as we grew older, some of us may have begun to forget the ten commandments.

In today's reading, we are reminded once again of the ten commandments. Jesus summarised the ten commandments to two: love God and love neighbour. For many of us, loving God seems easier as we do not need to deal with Him directly face to face. But Jesus has also reminded us that we cannot love God if we do not love our neighbour. Loving our neighbour is certainly not easy, especially since we often encounter difficult people, or people who have hurt us or have been hurt by us, or people who seem so unlovable. But if we consider and ponder for a while, Jesus came and died on the cross for all of us and to save us from our sins. That is why we need to be constantly reminded of how we should live our lives by observing faithfully the ten commandments, which is basically the law of love. Are we able to put aside our pride, ego, self-centredness and selfish ways, and love all, God and neighbour alike, the way God loves us all?

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