Thursday, 30 April 2015
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
In today’s gospel, Jesus healed the blind man and made him see. Sometimes, we too are blind although we have eyes to see. We are blind when we don’t notice the poor and think of their needs. We are blind when we cannot recognise our weaknesses and mistakes. There are also times, we fail to recognise and see Jesus in others. That is why we need someone to tell us. Jesus helps us come to terms with our inability to see, and helps us restore our sight, just as He did for the blind man.
Today, Jesus invites us to open our eyes to recognise Him in the Eucharist. Jesus gives himself to us as food, so that we may grow, be strong and survive both spiritually and physically. Just as Jesus has given Himself to us, we too must give ourselves to others. We must not to be selfish. Instead, we must learn to love others, even those people whom we do not like. We must also help others, including the poor, the elderly and those who are weak. Just as you have experienced the love of Christ, you must also share His love with everyone you meet. May we be true and good friends to others, just as Jesus is a true and good friend to us.
Housekeeping - Week 29 Year 1
18 Oct 2015 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
19 Oct 2015 - Monday of Week 29 Year 1
20 Oct 2015 - Tuesday of Week 29 Year 1
21 Oct 2015 - Wednesday of Week 29 Year 1
22 Oct 2015 - Thursday of Week 29 Year 1
23 Oct 2015 - Friday of Week 29 Year 1
Friday of Week 29 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us: "Why not judge for yourselves what is right? For example: when you go to court with your opponent, try to settle with him on the way, or he may drag you before the judge and the judge hand you over to the bailiff and the bailiff have you thrown into prison. I tell you, you will not get out till you have paid the very last penny." Are we so self-righteous or conceited that we think we are faultless and right, demanding that others admit their faults? Or have we come to a point that we are not bothered about the other person, and we choose to have nothing to do with him or her, causing ill-feelings, anger or even hatred to simmer and boil over? As Christians, we pray that God would forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Are we practising what we pray, or are we saying it blindly, without meaning, just to put on a show?
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Thursday of Week 29 Year 1
This is why Jesus in today's Gospel tells us: "Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on a household of five will be divided: three against two and two against three; the father divided against the son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." It may seem good to try and maintain family unity and happiness, but by doing so, we could be doing something which would cause us to commit sin. It is indeed a difficult choice, but it may be one we may need to make. Ultimately, we need to choose, and be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences, whether it be temporary, or eternal.
Wednesday of Week 29 Year 1
In today's reading, St. Paul reminds and cautions us: "You must not let sin reign in your mortal bodies or command your obedience to bodily passions, you must not let any part of your body turn into an unholy weapon fighting on the side of sin; you should, instead, offer yourselves to God, and consider yourselves dead men brought back to life; you should make every part of your body into a weapon fighting on the side of God; and then sin will no longer dominate your life, since you are living by grace and not by law."
Some of you may be saying: "But being good is hard, it is difficult, how do we resist falling into sin?" Humanly speaking, it is difficult, because the ways of the world tempts us with so many attractions. But this is not an excuse for us to give up or despair, since we are helped by God's grace, and when we go for confession regularly, we are actually making effort to keep our soul clean. May we not neglect the value and importance of regular confession, so that we may grow steadily in our relationship with God.
Tuesday of Week 29 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus reminds us of the need to be prepared: "See that you are dressed for action and have your lamps lit. Be like men waiting for their master to return from the wedding feast, ready to open the door as soon as he comes and knocks. Happy those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes." While it is commendable for us to make effort to attend Mass, we should also not neglect in keeping our souls spick and span. May we be diligent and consistent in our preparations to meet the Lord, for the betterment of our souls.
Monday of Week 29 Year 1
In today's Gospel, we come across a rich man who had a good harvest and thought that he had many years of enjoyment to come. But Jesus cautions us: "But God said to him, "Fool! This very night the demand will be made for your soul; and this hoard of yours, whose will it be then?." So it is when a man stores up treasure for himself in place of making himself rich in the sight of God." Would we still insist in being complacent and not bothered, thinking that we need not be concerned for the time being? Or would it not be better for us to start doing something now, even if it is little by little, so that we would gradually grow closer to God? After all, we are reminded in a Malay proverb: "Sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit" which roughly translates as "little by little, eventually it becomes a hill." May we do what we can, even if it is little by little, so that we may be somewhat prepared for any eventuality, come what may.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
For Jesus success means people realising and fulfilling God's dream for them. Does this mean that God has already determined the outcome of our earthly existence? No. God has an intended destination for which He created you and me. But whether you and I attain this destination or not depends on how much we are willing to cooperate with God's grace. God gives us free will to choose to cooperate or not.
James and John, on the other hand, represent an earthly understanding of success that encourages ambition, rivalry and unhealthy competition among people. We call such success the rat race, or as some may say, it is a dog eat dog world. On the other hand, Jesus teaches a different kind of success, which encourages mutual cooperation and contentment of realising that we can all be successful because God has created each and every one of us for something different. God has enough dreams to go round, a different dream for everyone, a different success for everyone. Our ambition in life should be to discover and live God's dream for us.
At the end of the day, are we still seeking success here on earth? Or have we started to seek the kind of success that God has planned for each of us, different though it may be according to each person, but success all the same? May we be willing and humble enough to let go of temporary success, for the kind success which is permanent and eternal.
Housekeeping - Week 28 Year 1
11 Oct 2015 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
12 Oct 2015 - Monday of Week 28 Year 1
13 Oct 2015 - Tuesday of Week 28 Year 1
14 Oct 2015 - Wednesday of Week 28 Year 1
15 Oct 2015 - Thursday of Week 28 Year 1
16 Oct 2015 - Friday of Week 28 Year 1
Friday of Week 28 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus warns us: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. I will tell you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has the power to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him." What Jesus is warning us is that we should not fear man and the things around us, because man can only destroy the body but not the soul. No matter what happens, God would be there to care for us. However, we should fear God, not in a paranoid or erratic way, but with reverence and trust, since God could destroy both body and soul. But is God going to destroy us completely as He pleases? No. Jesus in the Gospel assures us: "Can you not buy five sparrows for two pennies? And yet not one is forgotten in God’s sight. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. There is no need to be afraid: you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows." God has no intention of destroying us totally, so there is no reason to fear, since He is giving us plenty of opportunities to grow closer to Him. It is a question of whether we want to remain in His care and love, or to be away from Him. Ultimately, the choice is up to us.
Monday, 27 April 2015
Thursday of Week 28 Year 1
In today's Gospel, we read: "When he left the house, the scribes and the Pharisees began a furious attack on him and tried to force answers from him on innumerable questions, setting traps to catch him out in something he might say." The scribes and the Pharisees knew that they were in the wrong, but they were stubborn, proud, egoistic and arrogant, refusing to admit their fault. Instead, they still insisted in keeping their facade, and tried to put Jesus down. But what the scribes and the Pharisees failed to realise is that Jesus was not just any ordinary itinerant preacher. The more they tried to go against Jesus, the more foolish they looked, even without realising it. Ultimately, we need to decide. Are we going to be like the scribes and the Pharisees, only to lose face even more? Or are we willing to be humble and docile, and let God help us change for the better?
Wednesday of Week 28 Year 1
In today's reading, we are further cautioned not to judge. St. Paul warns us: "No matter who you are, if you pass judgement you have no excuse. In judging others you condemn yourself, since you behave no differently from those you judge. We know that God condemns that sort of behaviour impartially: and when you judge those who behave like this while you are doing exactly the same, do you think you will escape God’s judgement? Or are you abusing his abundant goodness, patience and toleration, not realising that this goodness of God is meant to lead you to repentance?" When we judge others, even when it is obvious that we have at some point of time done the same thing as what others have done, we are merely being hypocrites. May we be humble enough to admit our own failings, and learn to be compassionate and encouraging towards others, instead of trying to be self-righteous and judgmental.
Tuesday of Week 28 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus admonished the Pharisees when he said: "Oh, you Pharisees! You clean the outside of cup and plate, while inside yourselves you are filled with extortion and wickedness. Fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside too? Instead, give alms from what you have and then indeed everything will be clean for you." The Pharisees focused so much on external practices, including so-called practices in cleanliness, that they neglected in keeping their souls clean. We too could be just as guilty as the Pharisees, by only putting on a facade of being clean on the outside, but what about the inside, our soul? May we come to realise that the cleanliness of our soul is more important, and may we do something to maintain the cleanliness of our soul, for our eternal future.
Monday of Week 28 Year 1
While all other activities and church events are good, our primary duty as Christians is to preach the Good News, as Paul says in the reading. Not only that, Paul also mentioned in the reading that Romans, to whom his letter is addressed, are also duty-bound to preach the Good News. This means that preaching the Good News is not only meant for religious leaders, each and every Christian is expected to do his or her part in preaching the Good News, in one form or another. Therefore, let us not slack or try to shirk our responsibilities, and go do what is expected of us.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Today's Gospel is one example where reading the bible could make us feel quite uncomfortable or uneasy. Why so? In the Gospel, the rich man claimed that he had kept all the commandments from his earliest days. Then Jesus posed him a greater challenge, "Go and sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." If you were in the rich man's shoes, how would you have felt? Quite likely some of you would have been bewildered with such a challenge. It seems crazy and absurd for us to get rid of everything that we have and become a pauper, just to follow Jesus. But what is Jesus really trying to tell us? Are you able to read between the lines?
What Jesus is trying to tell us is quite profound and concerns us as Christians, as His followers, as His disciples. Jesus is reminding us that the kingdom of God is far greater than the kingdom of men. The treasures which we will find in heaven far surpasses and outweighs the riches which we accumulate on this earth. Unless we are prepared to let go of things on this earth by being detached from them, we will not be able to gain treasures in heaven. This is because when we are concerned only on things of this life, which are temporary, will fade, and which we cannot take with us after death, then we are truly being foolish, since we are spending so much time trying to accumulate earthly things which would eventually be lost to us.
But is being rich wrong? No, that is not the point of what Jesus is trying to teach us. What Jesus is trying to tell us is to remove all obstacles, such as our riches, our pride, our wealth and possessions, or our power, which prevent and distract us from following Him and becoming truly His disciples. While we do need to survive in this world, we should not be entangled by what this world has to offer, and lose sight of our heavenly goal. As some may have heard, we should "eat to live" and not be concerned with "living to eat." This means that, like the camel in the Gospel, we must remove earthly burdens which encumber us, so that we may pass through the "eye of the needle," if we seek to be in the Kingdom of God.
Some of you may be thinking: giving up our earthly riches and being detached from them? Sounds impossible. We are surrounded by so many forms of temptations to gain more and more of what this world has to offer. How do we tear ourselves from such constant bombardment of earthly attractions? Once again, Jesus assures us: "For men it is impossible, but not for God; because everything is possible for God." May we seek God's help and grace, so that we would be able to give up all attachments that will prevent us from following Jesus, so that we would be lightened and free to strive towards His Kingdom.
Housekeeping - Week 27 Year 1
4 Oct 2015 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
5 Oct 2015 - Monday of Week 27 Year 1
6 Oct 2015 - Tuesday of Week 27 Year 1
7 Oct 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary, Memorial
8 Oct 2015 - Thursday of Week 27 Year 1
9 Oct 2015 - Friday of Week 27 Year 1
Friday of Week 27 Year 1
In today's Gospel, we read: "When Jesus had cast out a devil, some of the people said, 'It is through Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.' Others asked him, as a test, for a sign from heaven; but, knowing what they were thinking, he said to them, 'Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin, and a household divided against itself collapses. So too with Satan: if he is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? – Since you assert that it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils. Now if it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils, through whom do your own experts cast them out? Let them be your judges then.'" We can obviously see that some of the people had allowed jealously to get the better of them, causing them to talk nonsense. Instead of trying to belittle Jesus, these people only end up belittling themselves. May we become aware of the dangers of allowing jealously to control us, lest we inadvertently end up by being worse than we were before.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Thursday of Week 27 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us: "I tell you, if the man does not get up and give it him for friendship’s sake, persistence will be enough to make him get up and give his friend all he wants." Sometimes we ask for things or for help, but we are not persistent, patient and consistent in what we ask for. Sometimes, what we ask for may not be good for us. That is why we need to discern whether what we are asking for is really needed or necessary, and whether what we are asking for would ultimately glorify God. May we be humble and patient enough to let God guide us and grant us what we truly need, according to His time and for His glory.
Our Lady of the Rosary, Memorial
From this incident, we can discover that the Rosary is indeed a very special devotion to Our Lady. Many Popes, clergy, religious, saints and lay persons have always recommended it as a good form of devotion. The Rosary is vocal and mental prayer; and it is also personal as well as communal prayer. When we meditate upon the mysteries of the Rosary, we experience Christ through Mary. Not only that, by praying the Rosary, Mary accompanies us in prayer, and praying the Rosary sustains us in the battle against the evil one and his accomplices. Therefore, let us not slack in praying the Rosary, and like Mary surrender ourselves to God so that He may be our help and guide.
Tuesday of Week 27 Year 1
The reading then tells us that "God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behaviour, and God relented: he did not inflict on them the disaster which he had threatened." In the same way, when we listen to God's warning and act upon it, we too may experience what the Ninevites experienced, and we would also avoid going through the unpleasant experience of Jonah. Are we willing to take seriously what God is telling us, before it is too late?
Monday of Week 27 Year 1
In today's reading, Jonah tried to run away from God, instead of doing His will by going to Nineveh. What Jonah failed to realise is that he was not dealing with just any other being, but he was dealing with God. Jonah tried to run away by boarding a ship to Tarshish, but God had other plans. In a way, the way God treated Jonah shows that He has got an interesting sense of humour, by causing Jonah to be swallowed by a big fish, only to be vomitted on to the shore after three days and three nights in the fish's belly. Eww! Must have been quite yucky and disgusting to be stuck in a fish for a while.
In the same way, we too could experience a not so pleasant time like Jonah, if we choose to repeatedly ignore God's voice. Sometimes we need to remember that God calls us because He has a better plan for us, and it would be to our benefit to do His will for His greater glory.
Friday, 24 April 2015
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Why is the church so fussy about preparing couples for marriage? What is the big deal, some may ask. Is the church behaving like a Big Brother, trying to control our lives, even when it comes to marriage? No. The church is not like that. It is precisely because we have seen many marriages fail, sometimes so quickly and at an alarming rate, that it is a great cause of concern. When affected couples were asked what had happened and what went wrong, it is quite often the same story: they were actually not ready for marriage, even though they had initially thought they were; they had not known each other long enough or well enough; they had not truly and clearly understood what commitment in marriage is all about; they were more concerned about their own needs and issues; and a significant number of affected couples realised that God was not present in their minds when they decided to get married. When you marry without being ready in all sense of the word, you are merely brewing a recipe for disaster, leading to another statistic for marriages gone bust.
The readings today gives us some understanding of what marriage is all about. We must realise that marriage is not a human institution but a divine institution. It is a vocation. Very often, God is forgotten in all the hustle and bustle of making preparations for marriage. Couples are more concerned with so many other things, that God and the church seems to have become a necessary inconvenience. Some couples feel as if they are being forced or pressured by their parents to marry in church. But what they forget is that it is God who makes marriages possible and lasting. If God is absent from our lives, it would really be very difficult to make the marriage work. Also, a marriage calls for couples to experience a conversion in their lives. Conversion must take place because, as Jesus reminds us in today's Gospel: "the two must become one body." Conversion must take place for couples to die to their selfishness and learn to live together as one. That is why the preparation is so important. Some people try to find ways and means to take short cuts during the preparation, but what they fail to realise is that Rome was not built in a day. If you want to graduate with a degree, you work hard for it and you pursue it relentlessly. Likewise, if you want to stay married, you must also be properly prepared and work hard for it. Moreover, marriage is about commitment. Love is all about commitment, and never about feelings and emotions. Commitment means accepting the whole package as is, "for better or for worse," and not just pick and choose the parts we like. Commitment means learning to forgive not once but again and again, and is more concerned with giving than with taking and receiving. Commitment calls us to change ourselves throughout our lives.
Today, marriages are in trouble. Couples are behaving more and more individualistic. The togetherness and oneness seems to have become lost in translation. Divorces have become so rampant. I recall being present for a hearing for divorce cases at a family court some time back, and on that one day, more than fifty cases were being heard, and each case was disposed like products moving along a conveyor belt. Can you imagine that? What has marriage become? Have some couples become so selfish and self-centred, that people are seen as objects to be used, and when they are no longer seen as useful, they are then discarded? This is why I pray that couples will take responsibility and initiative for their marriage to remain strong. Remember that your children learn from you, and your children too may someday follow in your footsteps. If your marriage is messed up, do something about it and seek help where necessary, don't play play with your marriage, don't wait until it is too late. Let us pray that God would continue to bring healing into our lives so that our lives would be filled with selfless love instead of selfishness.
Housekeeping - Week 26 Year 1
27 Sept 2015 - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
28 Sept 2015 - Monday of Week 26 Year 1
29 Sept 2015 - Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels - Feast
30 Sept 2015 - Wednesday of Week 26 Year 1
1 Oct 2015 - Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor - Feast
2 Oct 2015 - The Holy Guardian Angels
The Holy Guardian Angels
But today's reading gives us something to be thankful and ponder about. In today's reading, we are reminded: "The Lord says this: ‘I myself will send an angel before you to guard you as you go and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Give him reverence and listen to all that he says. Offer him no defiance; he would not pardon such a fault, for my name is in him. If you listen carefully to his voice and do all that I say, I shall be enemy to your enemies, foe to your foes. My angel will go before you.’"
This means that each of us, whether we are aware or not, have got a guardian angel watching over us. Sometimes that guardian angel would work through our conscience to warn us when we are about to sin, but it is up to us to avoid such temptation. Also, we may have had experienced several occasions where our guardian angel had prevented evil from happening to us. This is why we should always give thanks to God, for His gift of a guardian angel to us, and let us strive to avoid all occasions of sin, and learn to live in His embrace and providence.
O Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love entrusts me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor - Feast
So it is interesting to see how much strength and power the little finger has, isn't it? It may be the smallest of all the fingers, it may be the last finger in the hand, it's just a little finger, but it certainly has considerable strength. In fact, losing the little finger can be very inconvenient. It may mean losing the grip of things, practically as well as symbolically. This helps us understand what Jesus meant when He said in the Gospel: The one who makes himself as little as a little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Just as the little finger plays an important role in gripping, a little child shows us how we should be strongly gripping in our dependence on God and His providence.
Today we celebrate the feast of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus. Her way to holiness and eventually to sainthood is known as the "Little Way." She believed that the way to approach God is to be like how a little child approaches its parent: with open arms and complete trust. St. Teresa showed how she lived out that "Little Way" by taking on all the lowly and humble tasks in her convent. Her life was just so routine, mundane and ordinary. But she did small things with great love. St. Teresa was like that last finger of the hand – small and little, yet strong and powerful. She taught and showed us that in the small, little and lowly, God's mighty love and power is shown. May we follow her example, and learn to do all things, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, for the glory of God.
Wednesday of Week 26 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus reminds and challenges us of the cost of being a disciple. To be a disciple, one needs to take up one's cross and follow Him, even to the point of being detached from one's parents, family members and other things which could distract or encumber us from becoming effective disciples. Our duty and mission as disciples is to go forth and preach the Good News, and if we are attached to or distracted by the wants and needs of others, how would we be able to freely and joyfully carry out what is expected of us? May we be humble and docile enough to let God take control of our lives, and learn to be detached, so that we could serve Him for His greater glory.
Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels - Feast
For some, ghosts are considered evil or wicked and should be avoided at all cost. But are all spirits evil? No. There are also good spirits which help us in one way or another, sometimes without even us realising that they are present. One such spirit are the angels or archangels, like Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, whose feast we celebrate today. The name Michael means "who is like God." In Scripture, it was St. Michael who long ago led the battle against Satan (Rev. 12:7-9) and his will is focused and driven toward accomplishing goodness: he is a protector of souls, and wields his sword of righteous justice against Satan. Gabriel means "God is my strength." In Scripture, He appears to Zechariah (Lk 1:13) and Mother Mary (Lk 1:27-28). Gabriel brought us God's message of strength in which we draw our hope: God Incarnate was soon to enter history for love of man. Raphael means "God is my health." Raphael is one of seven angels "who enter and serve before the Glory of the Lord" (Tob 12:15). The meaning of Raphael's name reflects the fact that he touched Tobit's eyes in order to heal them of blindness.
Though God cannot be seen, yet through these three archangels, He manifests His power and presence. Each angel is sent by God to be our help and our guide, since an angel cannot give instructions on its own accord, but deliver instructions from God to us. May we be docile and humble enough to listen to the angels and archangels, who are there to be our rule and our guide, so that with their help, we could grow closer with our loving Lord.
Monday of Week 26 Year 1
In today's Gospel, we are told: "An argument started between the disciples about which of them was the greatest. Jesus knew what thoughts were going through their minds, and he took a little child and set him by his side and then said to them, 'Anyone who welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For the least among you all, that is the one who is great.'" Why would a little child be great? It is precisely because the child is docile and dependent on his or her parents, instead of trying to boost one's ego. We too can be great, not because we are trying to feed our pride and ego, but because we are humbling ourselves and being dependent on God's help and providence. We are also being great when all we do, we do it for the glory of God, and not for our personal gratification. The question is: are we only looking for greatness among others here on earth, greatness which is only temporary and will be forgotten or fade away? Or have we learnt not to be too concerned about greatness, and continue to do God's will?
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Each and every one of us has got a certain role and purpose
as a church. No matter how small, medium or big the role and purpose is, it is
necessary and needed. Some of us may feel as if what we are doing in church may
seem insignificant or nothing to shout about, but what we often forget is that
everything that we do as a church has got a reason, a purpose. The church is
the Body of Christ and we could look at the church in reference to the human
body. The human body, as we know, has got different parts, and each part has
got its own purpose and function. Hands are used for writing, lifting, holding
and carrying. Feet are meant for walking. Our eyes are meant for seeing and our
ears are meant for hearing. Each part cannot take over the function and role of
the other, since each part has been designed specifically for a particular role
and function.
The problem that some of us may be facing is when we allow pride, ego, and
especially jealousy, to take control of us. When we allow jealousy to rear its
ugly head, we become indifferent and blind to the importance and roles of
others. We begin to think that whatever we do is the most important, or that we
are the greatest, and that our role is indispensable. When others seem to be
doing the same thing as we are doing, we begin to feel irritated, threatened
and insecure, and we begin to find ways and means to put down or even destroy
others so that only our skills and abilities are accepted and recognised. We
allow Christ's mission to be disrupted, when we allow competition to fester in
the life of the church.
In the first reading and in the Gospel, we can clearly see how jealousy can
cloud our minds, our eyes and our hearts, causing us to lose track of who we
are and what is our role and purpose. In the first reading, some of the elders
appointed by Moses and who had received the spirit from him felt threatened by
others who had not gone through the same selection and yet somehow had received
the spirit. What they failed to realise is that God freely gives His spirit to
anyone He chooses. Nobody can claim to have a monopoly or control over God, or
His Spirit, or Truth. God gives Himself to all. The disciples of Christ in the
Gospel also had the same problem. They felt threatened by another man who was
able to cast out devils and saw him as a competitor. However, Jesus saw him
differently and recognised the gift of the Spirit in this man. This led Jesus
to make an important observation: “…no one who works a miracle in my name is
likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us."
So what does this all mean? It means that we must remember that we are all part
of Christ's Body, and each and every one of us are necessary and important. We
must not see each other as competitors. Instead, we must encourage the gifts,
talents and contributions of others, since all of us have one common mission,
that is to build God's Kingdom and not our own kingdom. After all, what and who
are we trying to ultimately prove? Thus, if we have been jealous of others in
the community, if we have been an obstacle to others, or if we have failed to
give encouragement, then we must make effort to change, and not expect others
to change to suit us. This is what Jesus was trying to tell us in the Gospel
when he said: "if your hand, foot or eye should cause you to sin, cut it
off." Let us stop all this nonsense and ridiculous waste of time and
energy in blaming others and start taking responsibility for our actions and
for the problems we have brought to our church community. May we learn to focus
more on doing God's will and giving Him the glory, instead of trying to gain
glory and gratification for ourselves.
Housekeeping - Week 25 Year 1
20 Sept 2015 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
21 Sept 2015 - Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist - Feast
22 Sept 2015 - Tuesday of Week 25 Year 1
23 Sept 2015 - Wednesday of Week 25 Year 1
24 Sept 2015 - Thursday of Week 25 Year 1
25 Sept 2015 - Friday of Week 25 Year 1
Friday of Week 25 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us: "'The Son of Man' he said 'is destined to suffer grievously, to be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and to be put to death, and to be raised up on the third day.'" If we look at what Jesus just said from a worldly point of view, it certainly does not sound very exciting or wonderful, since such a leader would end up dead, and raised up on the third day? The world would laugh and claim that such a thing is impossible. But Jesus proved the world, and also us, that He did die and He rose again, as His purpose as a leader was not to gain recognition from the world, but to save us from our sins. The kind of leadership Jesus taught us is called a servant-leader, where we serve others, even to the point of death, not for our personal glory or gratification, but for the glory of God.
Today we as Christians are called by Jesus to follow His example and His leadership style. We are called to take up our cross and follow Him, for it is through Him that we receive the gift of salvation. Ultimately, we have a choice: to follow the ways of the world and its ideas of leadership, or to follow the ways of Christ, and let Him be our help and guide.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Thursday of Week 25 Year 1
In today's Gospel, King Herod had respected and feared John the Baptist as a great prophet and servant of God. However, out of impulse and a desire to please his family and friends, King Herod had John beheaded. Now his conscience is pricked when he hears that some think that the Baptist has risen. As a result, King Herod wanted to see Jesus more out of curiosity, anxiety and fear than out of a sincere desire to know Jesus.
Are we living in constant fear? God's grace frees us from the tyranny of fear and sin, and enables us to reject what is wrong and to choose to do what is good. May we be willing to walk in God's ways, and remain free from any fear and anxiety while depending on His love and providence.
Wednesday of Week 25 Year 1
In today's Gospel, we are told: "Jesus called the Twelve together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. He said to them, ‘Take nothing for the journey: neither staff, nor haversack, nor bread, nor money; and let none of you take a spare tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there; and when you leave, let it be from there. As for those who do not welcome you, when you leave their town shake the dust from your feet as a sign to them.’ So they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the Good News and healing everywhere."
Notice that Jesus instructed the Twelve to bring nothing for the journey, as He did not want them to be encumbered or burdened with things, and He wanted them to go forth in haste and urgency to preach the Good News and heal. If we are Christians, followers of Christ, shouldn't we too be taking our task of preaching the Good News seriously? Or have we become comfortable with resting on our laurels, taking our time and enjoying life?
Tuesday of Week 25 Year 1
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us: "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice." To Jesus, having a special friendship, relationship or even familial relationship with Him is not good enough. As Christians, we should not only hear God's word, since anyone could do that and still not do anything. What is more important to Jesus is that we not just hear God's word, but also act upon it. That is why we should not get caught up with mere relationships, no matter how close we may claim to be with Jesus, but we should be focusing more on hearing God's word and sharing it with others.
Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist - Feast
In today's reading, St. Paul reminds us: "I, the prisoner in the Lord, implore you to lead a life worthy of your vocation. Bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together... Each one of us, however, has been given his own share of grace, given as Christ allotted it. To some, his gift was that they should be apostles; to some, prophets; to some, evangelists; to some, pastors and teachers; so that the saints together make a unity in the work of service, building up the body of Christ."
As Christians, our duty is to serve in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience, as St. Paul reminds us. If our motivation is to draw attention to ourselves while we serve, then are we serving the Lord, or are we actually serving ourselves? Let us check ourselves and be reminded that ultimately, all that we do ought not to be for our personal glorification or gratification, but for the glory of God.