Monday 21 March 2016

Monday of Week 7 Year 1

How do we know whether a person is wise or not? Is there some sort of clear criteria which could be used to determine whether a person is wise? Unfortunately, there is no clear criteria. Different ethnic groups have different interpretations of what makes a wise person. Even within an ethnic group, what certain individuals claim to be wise could be disputed by others. Moreover, to make it even more complicated, there are different kinds of wisdom to be considered. Some are wise in learning, some are wise in experience, some are street-wise. So can anyone claim to be completely wise, or wise only in certain aspects?

In today's reading, we are reminded that there is only One who is wise. The reading tells us: "All wisdom is from the Lord, and it is his own for ever. One only is wise, terrible indeed, seated on his throne, the Lord." Many of us could try to claim to be wise in some specific way, but only God is wise in all aspects and in all ways. Instead of trying to claim to be wise, let us humble ourselves and learn from God's wisdom, who far surpasses any of our own. Let us submit to His wisdom, since it is He who loves us and provides for us.

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