Tuesday 14 January 2014

Friday of Week 5 Year 2

When a healing is taking place, we need to ask ourselves: is the healing to give glory to God? Or is the healing to be used to show off to other people how great the healer is? Sometimes it is best for the healing to be done in private, as not everybody likes to be looked upon as a test subject.

Today's Gospel tells us about a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech. Jesus showed his considerateness for this man's predicament and removed him from the crowd. Perhaps the man would have felt embarrassed or uncomfortable being stared at while Jesus healed him. So Jesus took him aside privately, touched his tongue with spittle, and healed him, so that he could be released of his impediment, his faith awakened and strengthened, and freely proclaim the Good News of God. Symbolically, at RCIA, we conduct the rite of ephphatha, which is the opening the senses, where the ears and mouths of the elect are blessed so they may hear the Word of God and profess it.

Are our ears opened and tongue released? Are we using them to hear and proclaim the Good News? Let us seek the Lord's healing if we have been dormant or lukewarm, and go forth to share the Good News to all.

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